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Lately, things have been a little out of control. My hubby’s work schedule has been a little out of whack, sick kids, end of year things happening with school and sports, and honestly, life has just taken control of me and I have lost control.

I have found myself just wanting to sit around and do nothing (and for those of you that know me know that this is completely out of character for me) and I really haven’t been motivated to do much (which is why you haven’t heard from me in a while). I realized that I was starting to feel bad not because of everything going on around me but because of the things that I was NOT doing. I wasn’t do the things that GROUND me.

So what grounds you? When things are spinning out of control, or when you have a bad day, or what keeps things going smoothly….what grounds you?

For me, it is a few things:
1. My small group
My small group meets on Mondays at my house. It is through my church but this group has really become my family. I can be completely transparent and vulnerable with them. They know me (the good and the bad) and they love me. True community can get you through pretty much anything that life throws your way.

2. Running
For some of you it may be cross fit or walking or some other type of exercise. For me, it has nothing to do with the actual exercise (even though my body needs me to do more of this) but it is how it makes my brain feel afterwards. It is so much more of my mental health than it is for my physical health.

3. My Mentor
Y’all. I do not know what I would do without my mentor. I realized that I was doing a lot of other people, praying for other people, but I really didn’t have anyone that was just there for me. I found an amazing mentor who prays for me, encourages me, and puts me in place when I need it (which is quite a bit).

4. Spending time for just me
This is something that I don’t do as well. A lot of times I feel like it is a waste of time because I should be doing something on my to-do list. BUT when I do take time for myself, I just feel so much better. I know that you can say the same thing for yourself….so why don’t we do it more?!?!

I also posted this video a few months ago and I think it still applies today:



So…figure out what grounds you and start consistently doing those things when things aren’t chaotic so that it was keep you grounded when everything else is spinning out of control.

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