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We finally have eggs!! After getting chickens earlier this year, I felt like this day would never come. And now….we have plenty! Our girls are producing enough for us to sell some every week and to start thinking about preserving some. 

We have gotten a lot of questions about this – why would I start preserving eggs now? For a couple of reasons. For one, I don’t want us to be a in place where we run out of eggs. In the winter, our girls will produce less and I still want to also be able to provide for our family and friends. This way, we have some extra in case we need it. Also, I am very much aware that anything could happen to our chickens. We live out in the woods with predators all around. This way, if something happens, it will buy us a couple of months until we can get more chickens to produce. 

With that, I found a great preservation method for eggs called waterglassing

Here are some things you will need ahead of time:

Gallon size Jars


Eggs from your chickens!

  1. Use farm fresh eggs that are clean. Ones that are only a couple days old are best. This is VERY important. You cannot do this with store bought eggs or with dirty farm fresh eggs. You do NOT want to clean the eggs because then they will not preserve correctly. 
  2. Get a gallon size glass jar with a lid
  3. Fill up the jar with 2 oz of lime and 2 quarts of water. 
  4. Gently place eggs one my one in the jar. Make sure that the eggs are completely covered by the water. If you start filling it up and need to add more water, add 1 oz of lime to 1 quart of water. 

Eggs will be good for 12-18 months. Some say even as long as 2 years! When using eggs that have been preserved, crack 1 at a time to make sure you don’t get a bad one. 

Let me know if you have tried this OR if you are preserving eggs another way!! Make sure to leave it in the comments!

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