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Mornings are so peaceful to me. And then my kiddos would wake up and chaos would ensue. I have made it a point this school year to do very intentional things to help create a peaceful space to start our day. 

Disclaimer – this doesn’t always work. Sometimes I yell. Sometimes I wake up late and we are rushed. This is not perfect but I am working towards setting the mood and attitude of our house starting as soon as we wake up. 

  1. Get up early – Have time to yourself to do the things you need to do (pray, quiet time, working out, meditation, etc.). This is SO important. I have found that it has made things so much easier when I am already completely showered and ready before my kids wake up. This way I am focused on them and not having to rush to get ready. 
  2. Allow enough time for everyone to get ready and have time to spare. For my little ones – they have an hour and 10 minutes to get ready. This gives PLENTY of time. 
  3. Read / sit down with the kids during breakfast. THIS has been the best thing we have started in the mornings. For us, nighttime is just crazy. We are good to just get everyone showered and in bed. I was feeling guilty for not getting in our reading and Bible time at night. I have started doing this while they are eating breakfast. This does a few things – it helps my son stay seated and focus on eating. It helps get their little brains going and ready for the day. And it makes me sit and have some intentional time with them that I would have otherwise missed. 
  4. If you are not rushed and hurried, then there is less of a chance that your morning will be chaotic. I remember saying the phrase “hurry up or we will be late for school” SO much these last few years. This is not helpful. I know how I start to feel when my husband tells me that when we are trying to get out of the door. I don’t want my kids to have that same feeling. 
  5. Morning routines work best. My kids know that they are to get up, get dressed, and brush their teeth before coming downstairs. Once downstairs, they get their shoes on their feet and then sit down for breakfast. This helps me to not have to tell them over and over again to do something OR to be frustrated when it is time to walk out the door and someone can’t find their shoes! 
  6. Evening routines will also help make the morning more peaceful – HERE is an example of 10 things to do before bed. 

What are some things that you do in your house that have helped make your mornings run smoothly?!?!

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