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So…we have been in this crazy season for a minute now. I feel like this week I have finally found my routine, found my groove. And as I sit back and think about what changed for me, it wasn’t anything earth shattering, but it was an aha moment for me! 

Here are the things that I realized that I REALLY need to focus on FIRST:

  1. Routine – I had walked away from my morning and evening routines. I was just surviving and I was no longer thriving. Let’s be honest, sleep became a top priority but then it became a poor coping mechanism. I was choosing to stay in bed longer than to get up and do what I needed for ME. I also felt that somehow I needed a new routine. Let’s be honest, I didn’t need a new routine, I just needed to do my regular one! Yes, our schedule has changed, but my routine did not. 
  2. Eating Well – when things get crazy, I turn to yummy foods. Well…I turn to yummy foods that are also really not good for me. And they make me feel better for that moment but after eating this way for about a month, I realized that this was playing a huge role in how I was feeling. Even though it was a lot simpler to make, and I felt it was making my life easier, but instead, it was making everything worse. Food should energize me, not drain me. This is why this is such an important thing to focus on when life gets crazy. Not only do I need it, but my kids need it as well. 
  3. Exercise – I know you know this. I knew this. And yet, I still didn’t want to do any of it. I had great intentions but it never happened. Maybe exercise looks different during this time. Maybe you went to the gym daily and now you can’t. Maybe you went for runs with your husband while the kids were at school and now you can’t. Here is my answer – FIGURE IT OUT! Seriously, figure it out! Yes, it looks different but it doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Do 30 minute workouts in your garage. Include your kids. Go for family walks. Just do something for at least 30 minutes a day! 
  4. Fun – can I be honest with you? This is the one that I struggle with the most. I am not the “fun mom” or even the “fun friend”. But this is what I need. This is when memories are being made. And the memories that I am going to remember, the memories my family are going to remember…those memories are FUN!

What has helped you in the crazy seasons of your life? 

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