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In recent months, I have had conversation after conversation with Mothers who were worn out. These were working moms, stay at home moms, and great Christian women who I have always admired. The same topic in conversation arose, There HAS to more in this life than just waking up, doing the same routine, and then going to bed just to do it all over again. After reading this book, I have realized that so many of us mothers are searching for a way to realign our priorities. Saving Super Mom answers this question that YES there is so much more to life if we intentionally seek God’s will, not our own.

I don’t know about you but far too often I  simply let life get in the way. Maybe you feel that way too. It is like we try to do everything perfect so that no one will realize that we are falling apart. We as women especially feel that we have to “play the part”. We have trouble saying “no”. We have trouble saying “yes” to the things we REALLY need to say “yes” to. Why is this? Where does it say we have to look nice all the time, drive expensive cars, make it appear our husbands are the most perfect people ever, AND that our kids never misbehave???? Wow do we put unrealistic expectations on ourselves!

Several year ago, I  had the wonderful opportunity to read a book, actually a devotional, that has really made me rethink my schedule, my time, and my gifts. In one of the first pages, I read this and I stopped dead in my tracks:

”     The problem was that there was more of me doing the work than the Father. I had managed to smother – with obligations and expectations – the freedom given to me by the Holy Spirit. I was always tired and had little manageable margin to work with if one of my little duckies got out of its row. I was running on empty, too busy to ever stop and refuel.
What I needed to do was to get out of my own way. First, God would need to be in charge of my agenda. After all, He created the world in six days. I’m pretty sure that He could get my kindergartener to school on time.
Second, I needed to let God show me what my priorities should be. The end goal would be of His choosing, and I would manage my time according to HIs purpose. Then the pretty package on the outside would more accurately reflect the contents on the inside. My eyes would be open to the opportunities He placed before me. What could be better that to live within God’s will for your life? I decided it was time to re-evaluate.”

For me, I agreed that it was time to re-evaluate. And if you truly look into your life, is it time to really turn over your agenda to God??

I love this book because Kristi Walters speaks the truth in love in this devotional book. Each chapter/lesson is short so that even the most overwhelmed mother is not worried that she cannot commit to reading several chapters a week. It is an easy and quick read for any busy mom. Within the lessons, mothers learn key concepts to allowing God to take back control in their lives. Each woman reading can relate to some story Walters shares. These stories remind women that we are not in this world alone. All of us are dealing with the same struggles but that there is an easier way – God’s way.

It is designed to be a bible study and to share with other women. For so many of us, we think we can do all this on our own. God did not design us to walk through life alone. As mothers, we need to support each other, hold each other accountable….the only way to do this to meet, study, and be REAL with one another. So are you ready to take off the mask and be real with another mom? Do you know what would happen?? We would realize that we are all experiencing very similar issues and we can learn from each other. Novel idea, huh???

I say all this to really encourage all mothers out there to read this book. But I caution you – this is not a book that you can just sit down and read in a couple of days and then put it back on the shelf and check it off your to-do list. There are tools and assignments that really help you realign your time with God. Just reading this book will not do much….you need to actually do something…change!! And don’t just do it alone, do it with other mothers!!!

You can buy her awesome book HERE. 

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