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I used to hate the phrase “this is just a season”. I felt that it was an excuse for not doing certain things.

I believe there is season for a lot of things but I do not believe that there is a season when you can’t spend time with God. Are there some seasons where it takes a lot more creativity and scheduling….ABSOLUTELY!! But it can happen. It needs to happen!

For most moms, things get crazy as soon as we bring the baby home from the hospital. I also remember that this was the time that I spent the MOST time with God. I was up all throughout the night nursing and so I would read scripture and just pray. This was so much better than watching TV or scrolling through Facebook 🙂

I remember getting frustrated when my kids were babies because I never knew when to set the alarm so that I could get up before them to have my quiet time. Then, I realized that it doesn’t have to look like how it always has in the past.

I didn’t have to be alone, in a quiet space, before the sun came up.

I could be in the room with my youngest as he played on his play mat.

I could use the quiet time in the afternoon when everyone was taking a nap.

I could use the time in my car before I went into work.

For many years, my quiet time did not look like the same time and place every day. In fact, mine switches up at the house we are currently in. Some mornings I go outside. Sometimes I am on the couch (if my dogs will leave me alone). But most times, I am in the kids’ playroom.

The important part is that it is happening.

So if you are in a crazy season right now, please know that I understand. Take hope that it is JUST a season. But I can tell you from personal experience that this time will go much faster and easier if you are being filled by the Holy Spirit.

You will be a better wife, mother, father, husband, friend, coworker, boss ________ fill in the blank when you carve out that time.

Here are some pictures that were taken from the various places and times that I have had my quiet time. One was not more effective than another. Some places were prettier or quieter, but God still met me right where was. And He can do the same for you.

Spending time praying over this sweet little man. He played which let me get some reading in!

Each time he was content with playing or watching a Baby Einstein movie, I would take that opportunity to spend time with God.

My daughter wanted to do her quiet time with me one morning. I was aggravated at first but then I realized that my actions were speaking louder than my words. This was one of the most memorable times I have spent with her.

Things were crazy on this particular day and I knew that my attitude was due to lack of spending time with God. So I put on my noise cancelling headphones and got my spirit right (even while watching my daughter at gymnastics!)

Mornings are still my favorite time to spend with God. AND I love being in His creation!

I work for an amazing church that has a beautiful property. Some days for lunch, I just need some time just God. So, I retreat to one of the other classrooms.

Sometimes the quiet time doesn’t look nice and neat….because my life isn’t always nice and neat!

I lead a community group on Monday nights. Some days, I needed to prepare more ahead of time. So, I would bring dinner for my kids and study some while they ate.

Another sweet moment with my oldest child.

Time with God doesn’t always mean reading His word. Most of it is just being in His presence. I love to just spend a few minutes in my run to just BE with Him.

I used to have to be in a clean, organized room in order to focus. I have now learned to appreciate the mess and then pray for these sweet kids that made the mess!!

This picture was taken on our long car ride up to Missouri. The kids were watching a movie with their headphones and my hubby was driving and listening to his music. It was a great time to get my heart and spirit settled. I put on my noise canceling headphones and was reminded how AMAZING God is. It really helped the rest of the trip go well when I was able to center myself on Him.

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