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If you are struggling to find a planner or system that works best for you….MAKE ONE! You can use an app or website called Canva and make your own. I have included here some that I have made and how I use them.

Monthly Spread

After I decide what my goals are each month, I like to break them down into daily habits. For me, the BEST way to hold myself accountable to these things is to keep track of them in a habit tracker.

To start my week, I start with meal planning and a brain dump of ALL the things I need to do that week. I write every single thing that comes to my mind that needs to get done. I literally need them out of brain and onto paper.

Then, I move to each day. On the daily sheet, I start with asking the question – What are the 3 things that I HAVE to get done today? What appointments do I have? What tasks from the brain dump list can I realistically get done in that day? The goal is for all of the things on the brain dump list to make it onto one of the days of the week. I know what days I have more time, so I can place more of those items on those specific days.

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