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It was a cold day in January when we got the call asking us if we would take in this sweet 2 year old whom we had met over the last few months. The answer would always be yes. 

My husband was leaving with my oldest daughter to go to a gymnastics meet and I was left scrambling to put together a room and necessities for this little girl. 

I thought my heart was ready, but it was not. It was not ready for the journey that would come. 

On that day, God prepared my heart for not just another child to be in my life, but for another mother to be in it as well. 
This was not a journey that was filled with only happy memories. There were struggles. Lots of them. So many times we see adoption and see only the happy faces. We see open adoptions and two mothers that have an incredible relationship. I want you to see all of that but I want you to also see the journey. 

The journey started with brokenness. 

I remember the first day this sweet girl came into my house. Her mother remembers the last time she tucked her into bed. 

I remember the relief and joy I felt when her mother signed those papers. Her mother remembers the heartache of making such an important decision for her child. 

I remember the excitement on that day when the judge declared I was her mother. Her mother remembers the day that she thought she lost that title. 

I remember the day when I finally realized that sharing this role with another woman was not a competition but a God-given gift. I remember so much. Some joyous and some heartbreaking.

This journey has not been an easy one and it is nowhere close to being over. I am thankful for the opportunity to be given this road to walk and to have the privilege of walking it with another mother. 

This blog will hopefully show you the real journey. No sugar coating. No fluff. Just the realness. Because I believe that then through that, you will be able to see the incredible workings of a Father who is all about the work of adoption. 

“She is mine in a way that she will never be hers, yet she is hers in a way that she will never be mine, and so together, we are motherhood.” Desha Wood

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