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Only a few days into our minimalism challenge (for more details on this challenge, click HERE ) our TV completely died in our living room. We had it for 10 years and it finally ate the dust. My husband’s instant response was that he found a “cheap” one to replace it for only $300. 

It was in that moment that I realized why we were doing this challenge. You see, before now, we would have just gone out and bought a new TV. We would have “made it work” in our budget (aka we would just get further into debt). 

So I gently reminded him that we couldn’t buy another TV because of the challenge. We went an entire week with no TV in our living room. Honestly, it was really nice but the rest of my family did not agree! They kept ending up in my room watching the TV in there. So, one Sunday, Matt decided to mount the TV from our room in the living room.

And it works. And it was free. 

And the crazy part is that the decision was not that hard to make. Yes, we had to be intentional. Yes, it went against our instincts. But, it really was simple. We had something that we could use. We had something that would fix the problem. And we used it! 

I know that this is only the first of the many challenges and decisions we will have to make. But, for today, I feel really good about this!

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