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If I could suggest 1 thing for you to do that would make your life easier this week, it would be this:


Now, for most of you, you already know this. You have researched it, pinned different pins on Pinterest, and have done everything but ACTUALLY do this. Others of you are wishing that I had said something else! Even for me, this was something that I did NOT want to do because I really dislike being in the kitchen. BUT because of that, I realized that I didn’t want to be in the kitchen every night. I realize that some of you love being in the kitchen (which is amazing and I wish I had that kind of joy) but maybe you are realizing that your time could be better spent doing something else during the week (homework or playing with the kids). 

THAT is why I meal prep! It is worth the time because it ends up saving me time!

1. Monthly – figure out what meals you want to fix each monthI just simply print off a calendar and fill in meals in pencil. 

2. You can go ahead and prepare these meals (read HERE for more details on my once a month cooking).

3. Weekly

*For me, I plan everything on Fridays (because that is my day off). For you, you might want to sit down every Saturday or Sunday. Either way, pick a day and do this once a week. Make sure you are still wanting the same meals you had planned out in your monthly sit down.

*Take items out of freezer if you cooked ahead of time.

*If you didn’t cook and freeze – make grocery list of the things you will need, go shopping, and prepare foods. 

*Most of my freezer meals are just the main dish, so I go ahead and make my vegetables as well.

*I will make all of the meals we need for that week in 1 day.

4. Organize in Fridge

Each week looks different for me. Some weeks we go ahead and dish out all the meals so that all I have to do is reheat the meal. We like using these containers:

Also, as the kids are getting older, we have been using these containers:

Other weeks, each main dish and vegetables are in their individual containers. Each night, I just dish out what we need for that particular meal. 

Clean up is EASY every night and I am not spending much time in the kitchen. For me, that is a WIN!! What are some things you could do in just one day that would make your days or nights easier this week?

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