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Lately, we have been living without some things as we transitioned out to our property. As we are trying to make this our homestead, we have prioritized what things we need to have and things we can wait on, and then things we just don’t think we will ever need again.  If you missed the intro to this series, check it out HERE. 

I have talked about the thing that I cannot live without HERE and the thing that I realized I could live without HERE but I now want chat about something that I NEVER thought I could live without and something I am considering not even putting into our new house.

A microwave

If you know me, you know that I have been cooking once a week and then reheating meals in the microwave. FOR YEARS. This has been what works best for our family, especially because I hate cooking so doing one day a week works way better for me than every day. But I had started seeing research about the not so great things about microwaves. And for my family which was using it A LOT, it led me to start questioning a change. 

When we moved out to the property, there was no room in the small kitchen for a microwave, and so I had to figure out how to do without. 

Honestly, I hated it. More dishes (and remember, I don’t have a dishwasher either) and it just felt like more work. But then one day…I didn’t miss it anymore. 

Now the question remains – will I get one for our new house? I’m not sure. It is helpful for a few things but overall, I’m not sure I want to go back. I am worried if I have it, then I will use it more than I want to out of convenience and not out of what I think is best for us. 

Actually, that is the whole lesson I have learned so far – I have picked convenience over what is best in a lot of things. I am in a season in my life when I really can focus on what is best, even if it requires a little extra work. 

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