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Lately, we have been living without some things as we transitioned out to our property. As we are trying to make this our homestead, we have prioritized what things we need to have and things we can wait on, and then things we just don’t think we will ever need again.  If you missed the intro to this series, check it out HERE

I talked about one thing that has made the priority list in this POST. But today we are going to talk about something a little different. Something that I never thought I would miss. 

For my entire life, I have grown up with one of these in the house. The only time I haven’t used one has been on camping trips. I NEVER realized how dependent I was on it until I didn’t have one anymore. 

A garbage disposal. 

Another item in the kitchen that made life just a little bit easier. But what I realized is that not having it actually forced me into doing something that I have always wanted to do that is composting. 

Composting felt like extra work – I mean, why do it when I could just easily send it down the garbage disposal, right? But I knew I wanted to it for gardening and also to truly not waste any food. 

It really has been interesting that this entire journey has led us to do things that we have kept putting off. When “forced” to do it, it really hasn’t felt like extra work.

Because we are on a septic tank, garbage disposals are not in my future but honestly, this is something I am excited to live without. 

And maybe having some pigs later might help with the food scrap situation too 😉.

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