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Lately, we have been living without some things as we transitioned out to our property. As we are trying to make this our homestead, we have prioritized what things we need to have and things we can wait on, and then things we just don’t think we will ever need again.  If you missed the intro to this series, check it out HERE

But there has been one thing that I thought I could live without, but in reality, I cannot WAIT to have it again and it is

A dishwasher.

Y’all. I never fully realized how much we used the dishwasher until we didn’t have one. For full disclosure – when we go camping, we hand wash everything (but we also use a lot of paper plates). Also, I KNEW that I was running our dishwasher close to every night when we were at our old house but STILL it wasn’t until doing without for these last few months that I realized just how much I used it. 

Now – before we go any further, I am NOT saying that I cannot live without a dishwasher. I realize we live very comfortably compared to the rest of the world and a dishwasher is indeed a luxury (and honestly, some of us need to be reminded of that). I am simply saying that this piece of equipment does indeed make my life easier and it is worth saving up money for to replace. 

AND I do believe that we are using MORE water handwashing all of these things than if we ran the dishwasher once a day. So, you might be thinking – why don’t I just got a buy a new dishwasher? I could. But we are looking to renovate this house in the near future and it would be silly to go ahead and get one now when more than likely, we will need a different one to match all of the appliances (and probably will be a better deal to buy them all at once). 

So, until then, I will be thankful for running water and the dishes that represent all of my kiddos that have a meal. But, I will also dream of a dishwasher! 

Maybe give me all of your hand washing tips 🙂

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