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So, I have this coffee cup that I got when I was at a conference with Andy Stanley that looks like this:

It is a great reminder to me that when I am feeling discontent, it is honestly because I have stopped being grateful.

God has taught me a lot about this in the last few months.

It’s all about perspective.

I can be frustrated with people….but I am thankful I have a tribe that helps me with life.

I can be frustrated when my husband does something that just straight up makes me mad….but I am so thankful that God gave him to me. He helps me WAY more than he frustrates me. I am blessed to have such an amazing man by my side.

I can be VERY frustrated when the kids just will not get along…but I am so thankful for 3 miracles that God has allowed me to take care of. And I am so glad that they have each other.

I can be frustrated with how dirty my house is….but I am thankful I have such a beautiful, safe, and warm place to live.

Do you see it?

It’s all about perspective.

It is just like these pictures that I took while I was in Waco, Tx. These are the same pictures, but the focus is different.

What will you choose to focus on today?

Every day we have a choice. We can choose frustration, anger, and bitterness.

Or we can choose JOY.

How are you going to look at that situation?

How are you going to look at that person?

How are you going to look at __________?

“Joy is a function of gratitude, and gratitude is a function of perspective. You only begin to change your life when you begin to change the way you see.”
Ann Voscamp (The Greatest Gift)

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