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I know, I know. I’m proud of you for even clicking this post. Most of you are NOT ready to think about Christmas. But then I know that there are also some of you that have been WAITING for the “ber” months so that you can start planning Christmas. 

If you remember, last year we had some issues with shipping. When we waited too late, items were not going to arrive in time. They are also predicting this will be the case this year. But we have a heads up about it, so now we can do something it! 

Actually – my advice is the same this year as it has been for many years. I highly recommend planning for Christmas all year long. It helps with the stress and budget. (Side note – for all the Enneagram 7’s reading – I know that you are still going to wait until days before Christmas!! Maybe just do the saving part ahead of time and then have fun shopping🙂)

Budget and Save

Even if you haven’t been saving all year or even thought about Christmas, I would encourage you to do so now.  Figure out how much you are able to spend on everyone and then divide it by how many weeks are between now and then. This helps you know exactly how much you need to set aside each week. 

Buy Gift Cards

I personally like to then go buy Amazon cards from Kroger with that money. I get double the fuel points and I have already “paid” for Christmas. This year, I have not purchased that many gift cards just in case shipping is an issue. I have cash set aside in case I need to go into stores. 

Buy Gifts Early

Save 1 or 2 items for closer to December so if something comes along that they “really want”, you have wiggle room to get it. 

Experiences Over Toys

Think more about experiences and not so much toys – we are doing a hiking theme this year (shhhhh don’t tell). That is because we are taking them on a camping trip right after Christmas where there are a lot of good hiking trails. The main gifts they are getting are hiking bookbags, new hats and gloves, items to leave for geocaching, etc. 

Think Practical Too 

Practical gifts are still gifts! Stocking stuffers of underwear, toothbrushes, etc. are still gifts! My kids think it is funny that Santa always brings underwear! 

If buying gifts right now stresses you out, then go ahead and start putting money aside for it for when you are ready! At least go ahead and sit down and figure out what your budget will be! 

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