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Fall sports are about to be in full swing. Whether you have 1 kid in sports or all of them, we know that each one comes with extra stuff! It also comes with practices and games and for some reason, they need all of that stuff each time🙂

In the past, it has been hard because each kid is doing something different. Some nights it falls on the same nights and things can easily get crazy. So, I understand if that is the season you are in right now.

To make things easier for both you and your kiddos, it is important to go ahead and get some things set up at the beginning of the season:

  1. Get a bag (most sports have ones that will fit all the gear or just get smaller duffel bag – make sure everything will fit!)
  2. Make a list of anything you might need to buy – put it out there on social media or to your friends first to see if anyone has any you can use or buy second hand!
  3. Find a home for the bag or anything else that is needed. Designate a spot for it and label it. 
  4. Find all items needed and place them in one place – for us, we keep all uniform items and outfits for practice out in the garage as well. This way they aren’t running upstairs for one thing and out in the garage for others. The less running around, the better! Even better if this is located close to where the sports bag is kept. 
  5. Show your kids where everything goes so that they will know where to find it AND how to put it all back. 

START the season off organized and encourage you kids to do so as well! It makes it so much easier for them to just grab a bag than it does to have you running all over your garage trying to make sure they have everything that they need! 

What are some ways that you keep your sanity during sports season?!?!

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