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Weekends have always been crazy for our family. I work for a church so technically I work on Sundays but I have always tried to find the right balance of rest, productivity, and fun in a weekend. Which…let’s be honest…is a LOT of pressure to put on the weekend! BUT I have found that the right combination of these things is definitely needed. 

For instance – you ever have a weekend where you went away, had tons of fun and even got some rest but felt so far behind when you got up on Monday morning? 

Or maybe you did a whole bunch of prepping for the week and you didn’t even time to rest and now you feel guilty because you just let your kids watch TV all weekend?

We have all been there to one extreme or the other but it becomes a problem when these 2 days are really not utilized to their full extent on a regular basis. For years, I didn’t want to schedule my weekends because they were the only days that I felt that I did NOT have to schedule. I now realize that in order to get the most out of my weekend, I have to schedule out rest, fun, and productivity. Now, these are more loosely scheduled than my other days – I just make sure that all of these thing are on the list to accomplish!

Here are just some examples of things you can do in each category to help reset your family and prepare for the next week.


Picking a day to sleep in 

Take a nap

For half the day, do whatever


Worship Music


*Note – you don’t have to cram fun into the weekend. For some of you, you probably need to bring it in a little. You are rushing from one fun thing to another and then it finally hits the point where none of it was fun. Others of us (like me) have to literally schedule something fun to make sure that it happens! Being intentional either way about this time is what is important. 

Birthday Party

Family Experience

Family Outing

Movie Night

Dance Party

Fun Dinner

Playing cards or game together


 *This is a great way to prepare for your week ahead 

Grocery Shopping

Meal prep

Making lunches

Laying out clothes for the week

Catch up on laundry

Clean the house (everyone that is home can pitch in)

Yard Work 

Go over the week ahead and write in any important tasks that need to happen

What does YOUR family do on the weekends to help reset and get ready for the week ahead?

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