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I’m not sure about you but this time of the year always feels overwhelming to me. So many different things going on – our calendar is full even when I have said “no” to so many things, the to-do lists seems to be never-ending, and the work never seems to stop.

I have always worked places where Christmas time is the busiest time of the year so I don’t know why I am surprised by this.
I think it is because I feel like I am working so hard at taking things off my list and yet I still feel there is so much.
So today, I have decided to do something about it. No, I’m not tossing all the commitments out the window. I am making a conscious decision to BE PRESENT with each thing I am doing. At work, at home, at gymnastics, at work parties, at school parties. Just to ENJOY the crazy. But you can also get a handle on the CRAZY.
Here are some simple ways to do this:
Refocus Your Attention  
Start every morning in time with Jesus. Be reminded why this season exists. It is all because of Him and so it should be all about Him.
Say NO 
This is the time of year where there are TONS of Christmas parties. Parties for work. Parties with friends. Parties with family. Parties in each of your kids’ classes. You cannot do them all. Decide as a family which ones you will participate in. For us, I do not want my entire month filled with me attending events without my kids. This is a  special time of the year that I want to spend with them. And honestly, we just can’t afford to hire a babysitter for all of these events.
Take Control of Your Calendar
Similar to the first point but also be intentional about doing something every day off your to-do list. Don’t wait until the night before Christmas to do all of your wrapping (unless it is a tradition that you enjoy). Spread out those extra duties so that you do not become overwhelmed with all of the extras on your list.
No matter what you do, just SLOW DOWN some this Christmas. Take time to remember is it not about all of the events, but it is about the amazing gift that God gave to all of us. He didn’t give us the gift of busyness, or the gift of bitterness, or the gift of things. He gave us His Son. And that my friends, it worth so much more than any of these other things.
How do you protect and ENJOY this time of the year?
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