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This is the time of year that I remember a very scary time in my life. I was pregnant with my son and was not planning on giving birth to him until July 23, 2014. God (and my son) had other plans!! I share this story with you for a few reasons:

1. As a reminder that God is ALWAYS in control
2. To let you in on why I am the way I am 🙂
3. Hopefully to help you if you are going through something right now that isn’t going the way you intended for it to go

So here is the story told only a few weeks after I had Will in 2014:

The last few weeks have been a complete whirlwind. We did not know what all was going on so we kept things pretty quiet except for our close friends. I have found that I have been telling our story a lot lately. The more I keep telling our story, the more I realized that I really needed to write everything down. God has done so many amazing things in our life and it would be crazy to not share it. This also gives us a way to be able to look back and remember this amazing time when God showed out in our lives!

On Wednesday June 11, I woke up early in the morning in extreme pain right below my pregnant belly. I waited for Matt to wake up and then I called my doctor’s office. They told me to come straight in. After being hooked up to monitors and talking with my doctor, it was concluded that I probably had a kidney infection but we would know more the next day when the culture came back. Another doctor’s appointment made for the following day. So I went home….still in pain.

Thursday we went back to the doctor and did the same thing. They still felt it was a kidney infection so they gave me a shot of an antibiotic just in case and told me I should have immediate relief. Another appointment made for the following day. Well…that relief never came.

Friday we drive back to the doctor and I am now in more pain than I was the previous days. A high risk doctor was contacted and both doctors talked for a while and had several concerns. The culture came back negative for a kidney infection but they still wanted to do an ultrasound of my kidneys to confirm. The worst case scenario was now given: there is a great risk of uterine rupture. The prognosis is not good for both mom and baby. It was decided that I would be admitted to the hospital for a 24 hour observation. We were given several hours to go home and pack a bag and then report in to the hospital.

This is about when I started to get very nervous. I felt that I was slowly losing control and I did not like it. We went home to pack and I started panicking on what could happen. There had been talk of delivering Will early but I knew that as of that day (Friday the 13th), I was only 34 weeks and the thought of him coming early just scared me. I remember sitting in the middle of his nursery stressing because I hadn’t sterilized anything yet (it was on that lovely to-do list of mine) and that I probably needed to get my breast pump stuff all together because if he came this early, he would surely go straight to the NICU.

We checked into the hospital knowing only a few things:
1. I was in intense pain
2. This was probably going to last more than 24 hours
3. The worst case scenario was very scary and becoming more probable the longer it went on….

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