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I LOVE Disney World!!! I grew up going every couple of years (including high school and college). I never realized just how much I loved Disney until I had kids. I also never realized just how expensive it was until I had to pay for it.

This series lets you into a few of my secrets on how to do Disney for CHEAP! Again, there are MANY ways to do Disney and all of them will be magical, but my posts are simply offering different ways to have this amazing experience without breaking the bank!

1. Lodging and meals
2. What to pack?
3. Helpful Hints for Doing Disney with Small Children


I hope you will join us for the next 3 weeks as we look at some creative and inexpensive ways to enjoy Disney! My hope that is if you have felt this has been a trip that you could not do with your family because of cost, that you might reconsider! I would love nothing more than to help a family be able to go to the most magical place on earth. So many amazing memories are made in this special place!

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