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So for me, this is my FAVORITE part of getting ready for Disney. Mainly because it gets me excited that we are ACTUALLY going!
BEFORE you start packing everything you need, you will need to first practice packing the bag or bags that you will be taking into the parks. If you are taking a stroller in, make sure that all of your bags can fit on the stroller (or you can carry a bag but it is so much easier to store most of your things in the stroller). I know that this sounds like a silly task but you will not regret it! The last thing you want to do is to get there and realize that you don’t have enough room in your bag or that your stroller just doesn’t have as much room as you thought (or my problem which is I am horrible at judging the about of space available!)
When packing for the trip, I highly recommend packing in rubbermaid containers (if traveling by car) – see my travel post HERE with more helpful hints for traveling with children.
General Packing:
Crock pot
I mentioned in the first blog post that I cook our own food ahead of time and then cook it while we are there. The easiest thing to do is to place it in the crockpot. Most houses do not have one that we rent so I make sure I bring my own.
Also, I bring these liners so that clean up takes half the time!
Your own souvenirs
Dollar Tree and Target were the cheapest place for me to find Disney items.  I bought stuffed animals, fun coloring books, hats, shirts, etc. Every morning, I would wrap up their new outfit to wear along with 1 little gift. It made the mornings so exciting. Don’t forget the gift bags and tissue paper!
Pop up hamper
I found mine at the Dollar Tree. This helps keep the dirty clothes in one place. I will also use one of the containers that I packed in as a dirty clothes basket in another room. When you are in tight spaces, it helps keep things organized. Also, this helps when I do laundry (I like it do it once midway through the trip and then the night before we leave – nothing better than unpacking clean clothes and not having to do it all when I get back)
These are for the down time you might have. For us, we plan down time so that the kids are not so overwhelmed and tired. We have found this makes the trip so much for enjoyable!

Things to Bring With You in the Park:

Small Cooler Bag 
Make sure you also have containers to put sandwiches in – if you are using ice or ice packs, it will make the bread soggy so I highly recommend a tupperware container.
Another helpful hint is to freeze your juice boxes and then you can use those as ice packs so you don’t waste any space!
Water Bottles
We bring one for every member of the family. It gets HOT during the day and it is a great way to make sure everyone stays hydrated. Plus you get free water at any of the concession stands.
If you freeze them the night before, then they will be nice and cold until around the time you need them!
Infant Carrier
If you are traveling with an infant, I highly recommend bringing and infant carrier. My son barely rode in the stroller when we took him at 6 months. He wanted to see everything.
I would also say that if you are nursing, bring a nursing cover and a carrier that you feel comfortable nursing in. Disney does have amazing nursing areas but they were never conveniently located when my son had to nurse. I just nursed him in line or at a random bench most of the time.
Bag (that stays on the stroller):
This is usually just a book bag or a bag that I know if flexible and can easy fit underneath the stroller.
This might be a give in for you but there have been plenty of time that I have forgotten this and I have paid heavily for it! My kids are fair skinned like me so we have to apply multiple times a day!
2 changes of clothes per kid
This might sound extreme to you but I have dealt with so many different things from soaking wet clothes because of a ride or rainstorm all the way to dropping pants into toilets. Trust me – 2 pairs of clothes! You can roll them up tight and place them in a ziplock bag so that they don’t take up a bunch of room!
Glow bracelets, necklaces, etc. 
I use these ALL DAY! Most of the rides are in the dark. My kids always have a bracelet or necklace on so that in case they start getting scared, we start talking about how cool their glow stick looks. This has saved so many meltdowns from taking place!
These are also great at night because Disney sells so many cool light up toys that cost a pretty penny and this way your kids have something cool as well. The Dollar Tree has cool glow wands that are even Disney themed.
Blanket and/or towel
The nights can be kinda chilly if you go any other time than the summer. We found one night that it was so cold during one of the nighttime shows, that none of us really enjoyed it because we were wet and cold (hence the change of clothes listed above). A towel is great to have because you can dry off with it but it also doubles as a blanket or folded up as a pillow if a little one needs it.
Even if you don’t have little ones, wipes are a must have! They are great for wiping off seats or benches, wiping sweat off your face, pretty much ANYTHING!
Battery pack for phone
My phone dies so quickly at Disney! If you use the app, it is draining and then I take so many pictures that it uses up my battery. I always have the extra battery charger to charge midway through the day.
This is something that people forget to take or just don’t take when it looks like the weather will be fine. It could be beautiful one moment and a downpour the next. Always have ponchos with you. You will not regret it!
Bag that stays with you:
I have used a sling back bag and a crossbody bag for these items. Whatever works best for you. I personally don’t like the sling back bags because I sweat too much and it leave sweat stains on my back!
I use a small wallet that I bought from Target that is thin and allows me to have room for some cash and a few cards. I don’t want much more than that.
If you don’t have magic bands, you are given tickets.  We just don’t pay extra for the magic bands. My kids don’t know the difference!
Autograph books and pens 
Buy these ahead of time or make them yourself. They are expensive at Disney especially if you are buying for more than 1 child!
Cell Phone
List of what you are doing that day
I like to keep it on a written sheet so that I am not constantly looking at my phone. Sometimes I will just take a picture of it so that I have it and it doesn’t drain my battery too much.
Hand Sanitizer
LOTS AND LOTS of hand sanitizer! You are touching lots of things that other adults and children will be touching. After every ride, I have my kids use hand sanitizer.
What are YOUR must have packing items for Disney?!?!
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