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How to Save Money This Christmas

How to Save Money This Christmas

Every year, Christmas comes and goes. For years, it always left us with a credit card bill to pay in January. But we have learned a few things over the years which now allows us to not have unexpected bills come January!! It just takes a little time to plan ahead:...
Favorite Freezer Meals – Part 2

Favorite Freezer Meals – Part 2

A few weeks ago, I spent a Saturday morning preparing meals for the next few months. I wanted to share with you what all I was able to make for right under $150. I also made 4 of the Garlic Cheddar Chicken which I gave the recipe HERE. I made these recipes along with...
Favorite Freezer Meals

Favorite Freezer Meals

My favorite cookbook right now is this one: You can find it here on Amazon. It is totally worth buying!! During the last time that I cooked, I did the following recipes: Quick and Easy Chinese Chicken (x2) Garlic Cheddar Chicken (x5) Creamy Slow Cooker Chicken (x4)...
How to Prepare for a C-Section

How to Prepare for a C-Section

Both of my children required c-sections due to them being breached. I thought I was prepared for my first one, but I didn’t have a clue (also, Pinterest wasn’t around then so I couldn’t search for all of these helpful blogs then). Here are some...
How to Make Easter Special

How to Make Easter Special

Easter is such a special time in our house but it is something that is so hard to communicate to small children. Similar to the issues that we have around Christmas. How do we explain Santa and Jesus? How do we explain Easter Bunny and Jesus? The biggest thing is to...
Essential Hospital Bag List

Essential Hospital Bag List

One of the things I did fairly early on in my second pregnancy was pack my hospital bag. My friends thought I was crazy when it was packed around 25 weeks but I ended up needing it when I was 34 weeks pregnant! I have divided everything into 3 categories – mom,...