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Tips for Traveling with Kids

Tips for Traveling with Kids

We do not travel too much due to budget constraints but lately we have done a lot more traveling via car. With 3 kids in tow, this takes some planning and some really great packing skills 🙂 Here are some tips on how to survive family road trips: 1. Pack in...

Quiet Time for Busy Moms

Quiet Time for Busy Moms

I used to hate the phrase “this is just a season”. I felt that it was an excuse for not doing certain things. I believe there is season for a lot of things but I do not believe that there is a season when you can’t spend time with God. Are there some seasons where...

It’s All About Perspective

It’s All About Perspective

So, I have this coffee cup that I got when I was at a conference with Andy Stanley that looks like this: It is a great reminder to me that when I am feeling discontent, it is honestly because I have stopped being grateful. God has taught me a lot about this in the...

Ideal Morning Routine

Ideal Morning Routine

For several years, I have been the crazy person that works several jobs, takes care of most things around our house, and the mother of my crazy, I mean awesome, children. It’s not that I like to be busy, it truly is how I am wired. God has given me the blessing (I...

More Freezer Meals

More Freezer Meals

It is that time again when I do my once a month cooking. But as I was talking to my husband, I realized that this is really my "once every 3 months cooking”. So, for roughly $200 I am able to fix my main dishes for meals for 3 months! I am also making sandwiches...

Prayer Journal

Prayer Journal

Several years ago, I was frustrated because I could never remember where I wrote down last Sunday’s sermon notes, prayer requests from community group, etc. I am pretty organized with most of my life, but I never thought about organizing my prayer life. So, like...

No More Planners

No More Planners

So…for those of you that know me, this news might come as a shock to you: I am no longer using a planner. There. I said it out loud. It is scary and freeing all at the same time. For as long as I can remember, I have used planners. I have tried every planner under...

Favorite Freezer Meals

Favorite Freezer Meals

My favorite cookbook right now is this one: You can find it here on Amazon. It is totally worth buying!! During the last time that I cooked, I did the following recipes: Quick and Easy Chinese Chicken (x2) Garlic Cheddar Chicken (x5) Creamy Slow Cooker Chicken (x4)...