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Planner or App?

Planner or App?

Do you feel like you are dropping the ball on things? Do you ever tell someone you are going to do something and then completely forget about it until they follow up with you about it? Are you at a loss on where to start to even getting all your lists in one...

Planner Printouts

Planner Printouts

If you are struggling to find a planner or system that works best for you....MAKE ONE! You can use an app or website called Canva and make your own. I have included here some that I have made and how I use them. Monthly Spread After I decide what my goals are each...

How to Prepare for Christmas

How to Prepare for Christmas

I know, I know. I'm proud of you for even clicking this post. Most of you are NOT ready to think about Christmas. But then I know that there are also some of you that have been WAITING for the "ber" months so that you can start planning Christmas.  If you...

How to Organize for Sports

How to Organize for Sports

Fall sports are about to be in full swing. Whether you have 1 kid in sports or all of them, we know that each one comes with extra stuff! It also comes with practices and games and for some reason, they need all of that stuff each time🙂 In the past, it has been...

Anxiety in Kids

Anxiety in Kids

Over the years, I have had a great deal of experience with anxiety. From people that I work with and counsel, to my own issues, and then with friends and family, I have seen and dealt with anxiety a good bit.  I felt like I had a pretty good handle on adult...

Productivity Tips

Productivity Tips

Do you ever just feel like you have so much to do and even when you start working on all of them, you don't feel like you are ever able to fully complete one task?  Here is the deal - we are NOT multi-taskers. Can we do multiple things at one time? Yes. But here is...