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Less Screen Time

Less Screen Time

Lately, the amount of screen time my family consumes had been increasing. I am not sure when or how it happened, but it happened. It was too hot for them to play outside longer. I needed them occupied so I could finish this one project. It just gave some peace when...

Waterglassing Eggs

Waterglassing Eggs

We finally have eggs!! After getting chickens earlier this year, I felt like this day would never come. And now....we have plenty! Our girls are producing enough for us to sell some every week and to start thinking about preserving some.  We have gotten a lot...

Living Without – Part 4

Living Without – Part 4

Lately, we have been living without some things as we transitioned out to our property. As we are trying to make this our homestead, we have prioritized what things we need to have and things we can wait on, and then things we just don’t think we will ever need...

Living Without – Part 3

Living Without – Part 3

Lately, we have been living without some things as we transitioned out to our property. As we are trying to make this our homestead, we have prioritized what things we need to have and things we can wait on, and then things we just don’t think we will ever need...

Living Without – Part 2

Living Without – Part 2

Lately, we have been living without some things as we transitioned out to our property. As we are trying to make this our homestead, we have prioritized what things we need to have and things we can wait on, and then things we just don’t think we will ever need...

Living Without

Living Without

Earlier this year, we bought 14.5 acres which came with a small home on the property. The property is AMAZING. It has sheds for days, tons of woods, a large pond, and a very well built home. As I have been sharing our adventure on social media, I have realized that...

Holiday Gift Guide

Holiday Gift Guide

Have you run out of ideas for that friend or special woman in your life? If you are like me, I find it hard to think of new ideas. After talking with several women in my life, I put together a brief list (sometimes a long list can just be too overwhelming) of some...