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We are officially in the last few weeks of summer. School is about to start and lots of paperwork is about to start coming your way and we will be back into those routines. 

We have recently moved and so this list is just some of the basic things that our family walks through before each school year BUT this year, we are really having to sit down and think about a few of these. Mainly, what do you need to go ahead and think on, decide on, right now that will help make things run smoother this year?

Here are some helpful things to start thinking about and ways that you can get your family organized for this school year:

Where will the kids’ bookbags go? 

They need a designated place or it will end up all over your house. We have hooks hanging in the garage by the door. This is because that is the door we go in and out of each day. It make sense to keep it all where they walk by. 

What do the kids do with important papers or assignments?

Do you have a special folder or hanging file folder they need to put them in?

Maybe a bin that sits on the kitchen counter?

*Establish this NOW so that the kids get into the routine of putting them in the correct place when they get home. 

Where will they do their homework?

At the dining room table?

In their rooms?

Special room like a playroom designed for homework?

Make sure there are extra supplies located near this space – pencils, paper, crayons, colored pencils, etc. 

When will they do their homework?

Will they do it as soon as they get home?

Will they go outside for an hour first and then come in and do it?

What will they do if they don’t have homework?

What will the morning routine look like for them?

Wake up (at what time?)

Get Dressed (will clothes already be laid out?)

Make their bed

Brush teeth

Eat breakfast

After you have figured this out, then figure out what your morning routine will look like BEFORE they get up.

What time will you get up?

What needs to happen to help make your day go smoother?

*This is important. I have realized that my workout schedule will need to change due to a middle schooler having to be up earlier. Knowing ahead of time and making changes just makes everything go easier these first couple of weeks. 

What will the evening routine look like?

Making sure bookbag is packed and all important papers are where they should be

School lunch packed (if your child will be taking a lunch)

Clothes laid out for the morning (including shoes)

What else?!?! What are some things that you start thinking about NOW before school starts back that help make going back to school easier for your house?

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