1. Find a school supply list for your child’s school online.
2. Look for deals for school supplies. I highly recommend Krazy Coupon Lady. You can also search on apps like Amazon and Wal-Mart and can price match and watch for those deals. I have also found that Walmart is making this a little easier. If you pull up your app, go to the search bar and type in “school supplies”. It will then give you the option to select your school and grade. You can then just add to your cart a bundle for those school supplies. NOTE: double check with your school list that Walmart has the correct list. You can also change out the color of things and all of that right there online! If school supply shopping stressed you out, THIS is the way to to do it!
3. Go ahead and buy those school supplies!!! Don’t wait for the mad rush the week before. You will end up paying more and having to go to more stores. If your child’s teacher adds something different the night of open house, you still have several days if not weeks to get those items in. Don’t stress!!
4. Clothing and Shoes – go through those closets, drawers, and shoe bins. Go ahead and make an inventory of what all they have that fits, their current size, and then anything extra they might need. I have made these 2 sheets you can print off to make this easier.
5. Figure out if your children will buy lunch or take their lunches.
6. If they are bringing a lunch from home then figure out what meals you (or your child) will pack for the first few months)
7. Make TONS of sandwiches and FREEZE them! Just put the meat and cheese on there. Save the condiments for the day of! If making PB&J, put peanut butter on both sides of the bread and then jelly in the middle. This will help the bread to not get soggy. Freeze and then take out the day of and slide in lunch box. It also serves as an ice pack while it is thawing out and ready for them to eat at lunch time!
8. Once a month dinner cooking.
While we are talking about meals, go ahead and cook those dinners ahead of time so that there is a smooth transition especially that first week of school. This will give you time to focus on your children and not spending all of your time in the kitchen. HERE is how I do it.
9. Plan out your days
What will your schedule look like? What time do you need to leave to make it to school on time? What time does that mean you need to get up to get ready and help your kids get ready? How are they getting to school and home?
10. After school activities
Will your child participate in anything? Will you join a Community Group or Bible Study at church? What days do these fall on and who will get them there (you, your husband, babysitter, grandparents, etc)?
Just spending a few minutes thinking through these things before the week school begins, will help make things move a little bit smoother during that first week.
The less stressed you are, the less stress your kids are!! So, start this school year off right!
What do YOU start doing or thinking about NOW that makes the school year start off smoother?