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Why a Camper??

Why a Camper??

We recently purchased a camper (travel trailer for technical terms) the end of this past summer. It has been funny to hear all the questions that have come our way since then. I think it is because I just don’t seem like the camping kind of girl 🙂 The main question...
How to Enjoy This Christmas

How to Enjoy This Christmas

I’m not sure about you but this time of the year always feels overwhelming to me. So many different things going on – our calendar is full even when I have said “no” to so many things, the to-do lists seems to be never-ending, and the work never seems to stop. I have...
Tips for Camping with Children

Tips for Camping with Children

We recently went on our first road trip with our new travel trailer. We traveled from Georgia to Illinois (we had a wedding in Illinois so we figured we would try out this whole camping thing). We have an 8 year old and two 4 year olds. We learned a good bit along...
What to Pack on a Mission Trip

What to Pack on a Mission Trip

Our church goes on several mission trips a year. I have the privilege of leading some of these trips. The biggest question we face is “What do I pack?”. I wanted to address this with not only what we suggest you bring to Belize on a trip with us, but really what to...
How to Prepare for Christmas NOW

How to Prepare for Christmas NOW

How is it already October?!?! I feel like this year has FLOWN by! With that being said, it will be Christmas before you know it! For me, I like to plan ahead because Christmas is my favorite time of the year but it can also be the most stressful if we let it. You can...