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How to Organize for Sports

How to Organize for Sports

Fall sports are about to be in full swing. Whether you have 1 kid in sports or all of them, we know that each one comes with extra stuff! It also comes with practices and games and for some reason, they need all of that stuff each time🙂 In the past, it has been hard...
How to Make the Most of your Weekend

How to Make the Most of your Weekend

Weekends have always been crazy for our family. I work for a church so technically I work on Sundays but I have always tried to find the right balance of rest, productivity, and fun in a weekend. Which…let’s be honest…is a LOT of pressure to put on the weekend! BUT I...
Anxiety in Kids

Anxiety in Kids

Over the years, I have had a great deal of experience with anxiety. From people that I work with and counsel, to my own issues, and then with friends and family, I have seen and dealt with anxiety a good bit.  I felt like I had a pretty good handle on adult anxiety...
Simple Ways to Keep Your Car Organized

Simple Ways to Keep Your Car Organized

Let’s be real – this is the hardest thing for me to keep organized. There are so many children going in and out of my car each day. Then we have sports seasons and camping trips and I feel like I can never keep things straight. Feel the same way? But here is what I...