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If you are like me, I spent plenty of years scrambling when the week of Valentine’s Day arrived because I did not get anything set up for my husband. THEN it got worse when I had kids because they needed a decorated box for their valentines and then we had to make them for the ENTIRE class!! I was becoming bitter and frustrated with the “holiday”. When really, I was just bitter and frustrated at my lack of planning.

Now, I put this on my calendar for January (yes, for many of you, you are reading this the week before Valentines’ Day and it will be okay!)

Here are some easy steps to make this enjoyable for you:

1. In January, I pick one night when I sit down for about 15-20 and look on Pinterest for easy valentines. I look for cheap and easy options. By cheap, I mean that it comes with a free printable and I can buy whatever it takes to make it at the Dollar Tree.

Several years ago, I found this site which had so many awesome options HERE

I have also done THESE  in the past.

UPDATE: But THIS YEAR I have found THESE for my third grader and THESE for the 4 year olds (scroll down to the ones with the glow sticks). They were super easy to do and I was able to buy the supplies off Amazon!

2. I narrow down the amazing options to 3 and then I let my kids pick out which one they like.

3. I go out and purchase the items needed at the Dollar Tree and print the printables. 

4. Assemble on a weekend so that your kiddos can help and you don’t feel rushed! **This part you most likely have to do the weekend before when the teacher sends out the class roster (unless you have awesome teachers like my daughter has this year, and she went ahead and sent it out to me!)

5. IT IS DONE!!!!!

One other hint for those lovely boxes you have to make for school – go ahead and buy the kits right after Valentine’s Day this year and make it for next year. Also, make it with hot glue so that it will last year after year 🙂

I would LOVE for you to share with me valentines you have made with your kiddos! Comment below!

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