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Organize your home so you can prioritize your life.

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Do you ever feel like you spend so much of your time doing things that you just don’t want to do? Do you feel like you should be spending more of your time doing the things God has called you to do?

Then this is the blog for you! The goal is not to turn you into a crazy, organized, person (but who knows, that might happen!). The goal is to help you spend less time doing the things you dislike doing (laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc.) and spend more time on things you want to do (dates with your husband, fun times with your kids, shopping, quiet time with God, etc.).

Hi, I’m Sarah!

I am a mother of 4 amazing kids who keep me busy and sometimes drive me insane. My husband is my rock and support system and we have learned a lot in our marriage. I am a full time Executive Pastor at my church and a full time mom.

With our family, our children have come to us from many different forms. Some are biological, others are adopted, and some we currently have legal custody of. And… We never know what might happen tomorrow! With that being said, I have learned to control what I can control and do my best to prepare for each day.

I have learned through being a working mom and being in community with so many other moms, that we are just all running crazy! This blog was created in order to help everyone be able to organize certain parts of their lives in order to have time to do the things God has called them to do!

Read the Blog

Less Screen Time

Less Screen Time

Lately, the amount of screen time my family consumes had been increasing. I am not sure when or how it happened, but it happened. It was too hot for them to play outside longer. I needed them occupied so I could finish this one project. It just gave some peace when...

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5 Things to Do at the End of Every Month

5 Things to Do at the End of Every Month

It is the time again. Time that comes around every 4 weeks....the end of the month. For so long, I always looked forward to the beginning of the months but never took the time to look back and really evaluate the previous month.  This is SO important. How can I...

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Waterglassing Eggs

Waterglassing Eggs

We finally have eggs!! After getting chickens earlier this year, I felt like this day would never come. And now....we have plenty! Our girls are producing enough for us to sell some every week and to start thinking about preserving some.  We have gotten a lot of...

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