We recently purchased a camper (travel trailer for technical terms) the end of this past summer. It has been funny to hear all the questions that have come our way since then. I think it is because I just don’t seem like the camping kind of girl 🙂
The main question has been – WHY DID YOU GET A CAMPER?
And I want to answer this here today. We got a camper for one main reason – FAMILY.
Over these last few years, our family life has gotten even crazier than it has ever been before. We have added children to the mix and then all extracurricular activities, our work, and so much more. We were finding that even our weekends were just being used to reset for the next week. My kids were spending time on technology and not with me (because I was so “busy”).
So on our way back from an AMAZING trip to Great Wolfe Lodge (you can read about that trip HERE), we kept passing all of these campers. Matt and I were dreaming about our future and making plans on how could be better as parents and I threw out the idea to him about getting a camper. The longer we were on the road, the more dead set I was at doing this. And if you know me, when I set my mind to something, watch out!
When we arrived back in town, we drove straight to a RV dealership. I wanted to know what options we might have and really the cost behind it. I was blown away by how fancy these things were! But what was even more amazing was at how excited my kids got just looking into each one. They were picking out their beds and talking about what they would do at the campsites. My heart was literally exploding.
After several weeks of looking at our budget, visiting the car dealership (because we didn’t even have a truck!!), multiple trips back to the RV dealership, and LOTS of conversations, we found the camper for us.
And I have not regretted this decision since. Because for us, we have to GET AWAY and get out in nature in order to really just decompress.
I have realized that my kids are wired just like me in this. Something happens to all of us once we hit the campsite.
There is a JOY that is unexplainable. Literally, everything just becomes right with my world. And I think just being outside in nature helps with that, but also something changes within my children.

My kids are playing outside and with each other. Their imaginations are running wild. They are dirty and smiling. Most of the time there is no wifi so we aren’t even on our phones. There is no agenda.

There is only FAMILY.
And amazing memories are made. And THAT is why we bought a camper!

I would love to know what are some of your favorite things to do as a family???