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Do you ever just feel like you have so much to do and even when you start working on all of them, you don’t feel like you are ever able to fully complete one task? 

Here is the deal – we are NOT multi-taskers. Can we do multiple things at one time? Yes. But here is the reality, we get MORE done when we do things one at a time. 

Here are some things to remember and to start doing if you want to be more productive: 

Schedule time in your day for YOU. You can even put it in your calendar as “busy” so that when someone asks if you are available, you can honestly say no. For too long, I have made everyone else a priority but then it was hard for me to get my tasks completed. Just by scheduling set time for my tasks, it has helped me get things done at the office and not at home. 

Write out all of your tasks This is more like a brain dump. I write down literally everything. Work, home, side job…ALL.OF.IT. If it is still in my head, then I know that it won’t get done or I will be thinking about it in the middle of the night. 

Rate them by priority or due date This is so important! Just making a really long list is NOT helpful! We have to figure out which ones we REALLY need to focus on!

Think about how long each one will take For me, I then write out beside each one about how long I think it will take me to do each task. This helps me because when I am completely overwhelmed, I like to start with several task that are pretty simple just so that I can cross some things off my list! 

Start tackling them one by one Now you are ready to start tackling that list. Either start with the easiest ones or start with the ones that MUST get done today. Remember, you are now in control of your list. Not the other way around. 

Set everything to do not disturb Notice I said EVERYTHING. Your phone, tablet, computer. Anything and everything that is around you. Set it on do not disturb. You don’t need an email coming through or facebook notification when you are trying to get things done. Schedule time to check those things. Side not – you should probably consider leaving these notification off in general but that is for another post! 

Set a timer Set a time for 10, 15, or 30 minutes. This will depend on you and what your attention span looks like. For some of my easier tasks, I will set a time for 10 minutes just to prove that I can get it done quickly. Most of the time I set a time for 30 minutes and work as hard and as fast I can. When that alarm goes off, I make sure I take a break (even if it is just for 5 minutes). I will then walk away from my desk and take a breather. 

What are some things that you have found help you to be more productive? 

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